Terms of use
for using the site’s services
for using the site’s services
1.1. These General Terms of Use of the site “humancapitalstore.com“, referred to as the “General Terms” for short, govern the relationship between the owner on the site – “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD, with EIK 200914243, with headquarters and management address: Sofia, p.k. 1000, “Vitosha” Blvd. No. 1, floor 3, with a certificate of registration for the performance of employment mediation activities for the Republic of Bulgaria – issued by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy under No. 1783 of 30.09.2014, represented by The Manager Miroslava Nikolova Hadzhiyska and the recipients of services located on the Site.
1.2. Any person who has loaded on their browser humancapitalstore.com or has been redirected to it should read the General Terms carefully and if they do not wish to become a user of the services of humancapitalstore.com , and/or does not wish to provide data and information to humancapitalstore.com, and/or to have access to data and information, should immediately leave the Site.
1.3. When carrying out the procedure for registering a profile on the site, by ticking the box provided for this field, each user of the Site makes an electronic statement in the sense of the Law on electronic document and electronic signature, declaring that he wishes to use the services on the Site, that he is familiar with the General Terms and the policy for the use of “cookies” regulated therein and undertakes to comply with them. In case the user does not agree with any of them, he has the right not to use the Site and the services offered through it and to leave it.
1.4. Every time a User visits the Site, he will receive an invitation to accept or rejectthe “cookies” used by the Site.
2.1. In the interpretation and application of the General Terms and Conditions, the terms and expressions used below shall have the following meanings, namely:
2.1.1. The Site or humancapitalstore.com – is a designated place in the global Internet network accessible through its unified address (URL) over HTTP, HTTPS or other standardized protocol and containing files, programs, text, sound, picture, image or other materials and resources;
2.1.2. User is any person who visits the Site, regardless of whether he understands and uses its content, whether or not he opens links from the Site to its constituent parts or other sites;
2.1.3. User of the services of the Site /User/ is any natural or legal person who took the relevant actions to actively use the services provided on the Site;
2.1.4. I’m looking for a job is the User of the Site’s services who has made a corresponding profile registration as I’m looking for a job;
2.1.5. I offer a job is the User of the Site’s services who has made a corresponding registration of a profile as an I offer a job;
2.1.6. General Terms are the present General Terms, which include terms of use of the Site, rules for registration and use of the Site, cookie policy, rules regarding the protection of personal data;
2.1.7. Servicei/s is the general name of those offered by the Site services for carrying out mediation activities in an online environment for searching for, hiring and retaining workers (including online services for the selection of candidates, online offering of suitable advertisements/offers from employers, or providing comprehensive assistance in online employment environment);
2.1.8. Plan – represents the plan selected by the relevant Site User/Employer for engaging the services of the Site, against the remuneration specified for the use of the relevant plan;
2.1.9. Personal data is information about an individual that reveals his physical, psychological, mental, family, economic, cultural or societal identity .
3.1. HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD provides Site Users / Jobseekers with mediation services in finding an employer, by analyzing, selecting and offering suitable ads/offers from employers.
3.2. In order to use the services offered by the Site, the User/Job Seeker should fill in the electronic registration form available in real time (on-line) on the Site. Registration is performed in accordance with the procedure specified on the Site, by entering a name and password chosen by the User for remote access.
3.3. Only persons over 16 years of age can register on the Site as Users/Job Seekers. When registering, each person marks a check-box declaring that they are over 16 years old.
3.4. When performing the initial registration of the User/Jobseeker Profile, as well as when logging into the already registered profile, the Site uses a specialized reCAPTCHA test, where by means of advanced risk analysis and evaluation techniques on a wide range of signs, a judgment is made whether the User of the Site is a person or an automatic script (bot).
3.5. When filling in his registration data, by pressing the “Register” button, the User/Job Seeker must declare:
3.5.1. that he is familiar with the General Terms, agrees with their content and undertakes to comply with them;
3.5.2. that the data and information provided by him regarding his resume and work history (if any described) are completely reliable.
3.6. When registering, the User undertakes to provide correct and up-to-date data, as well as to promptly notify “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD if any of the data changes, in order to update them in his profile. In the event that the User indicates false, inaccurate, incomplete and out-of-date information, “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate performance of the services performed in connection with the information received by the User.
3.7. “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD confirms the registration made by the User by sending a letter to the e-mail address specified by him. After receiving the confirmation of successful registration, the User’s profile is created on the Site, through which he can actively use the Site’s services. To access the profile of the Site, the username or e-mail address and password entered during the User’s registration are used.
3.8. After registration and successful creation of the User’s/Job Seeker’s profile, the latter can set their search criteria by going through the appropriate steps on the Site. In accordance with the criteria thus set, the job advertisements to which the User/Job Seeker has applied so far, as well as relevant keywords for experience, education, etc. in his autobiography, “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD, resp. its employees may call or text the User/Job Seeker with information about suitable job positions.
3.9. When setting the job search criteria, the User declares that the data and information provided by him regarding his resume and work history (if any) are completely reliable.
3.10. In order to facilitate the selection process “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD, resp. its consultants can use specialized software in which the candidate, after having completed the relevant registration, can record a short video with answers to several questions, can be tested with a dISC personality questionnaire, as well as be provided with a questionnaire to answer answer with Yes/No answers.
3.11 The use of the services of the Site, as well as the related mediation services in finding an employer and hiring a job, is completely free of charge.
3.12. “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOODhas the right, at its discretion, to use different channels to find the most suitable job advertisement/offer for the relevant User/Job Seeker.
3.13. “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD provides the services of the Site in its capacity as an intermediary for finding a job and is not responsible for making any decisions regarding the hiring/or refusal to hire relevant Users/ Job seekers.
3.14. All correspondence between “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD and the respective User/Job Seeker is carried out through the User’s profile and through the contact details provided by him (if necessary). For the correspondence available in the User’s/Job Seeker’s profile, the User/Job Seeker receives a corresponding notification at the email address specified by him/her for correspondence.
3.15. The User/Job Seeker agrees to receive information about relevant job advertisements/offers during the entire period of existence of his profile. In the event that the User/Job Seeker wishes to stop receiving information about job advertisements/offers, he/she has the right to delete his/her profile on the Site, for which he/she must follow the steps for deleting a profile described on the Site.
4.1. HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD provides Site Users/Employers with mediation services for searching, finding and retaining workers and employees. The services, which include performing candidate profile analysis, selection, conducting preliminary interviews and offering suitable applications for vacancies announced by the Site User/Employer, are provided against the remuneration specified for the plan selected by the relevant Site User / Employer.
4.2. In order to use the services offered by the Site, the User/Employer should fill in the electronic registration form available in real time (on-line) on the Site. Registration is carried out in accordance with the procedure indicated on the Site, by entering a name and password chosen by the User for remote access.
4.3. When performing the initial registration of the User/Employer Profile, as well as when entering the already registered profile, the Site uses a specialized reCAPTCHA test, in which, by means of advanced techniques for risk analysis and assessment of a wide range of signs, a judgment is made whether the User of the Site is a person or an automatic script (bot).
4.4. When filling in his registration data, by pressing the “Register” button, the User/Employer must declare:
4.4.1. that he is familiar with the General Terms, agrees with their content and undertakes to comply with them;
4.4.2. that it complies with the labor legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria;
4.4.3. that the data and information provided by him regarding his profile as an Employer are completely reliable.
4.5. When registering, the User undertakes to provide correct and up-to-date data, as well as to promptly notify “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD if any of the data changes, in order to update them in his profile. In the event that the User indicates false, inaccurate, incomplete and out-of-date information, “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate performance of the services performed in connection with the information received by him.
4.6. “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD confirms the registration made by the User by sending a letter to the e-mail address indicated by him. After receiving the confirmation of successful registration, the User’s profile is created on the Site, through which he can actively use the Site’s services. To access the profile of the Site, the username or e-mail address and password entered during the User’s registration are used.
4.7. After completing the registration and successfully creating the profile of the User/Employer, the latter can, going through the relevant steps on the Site, set their search criteria, according to which “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD can select the most suitable candidates for job advertisements posted by the User. When setting the job search criteria, the User declares that the data and information provided by him regarding vacancies and the relevant job advertisement are completely reliable.
4.8. After the Site User/Employer has gone through the relevant steps for entering the search criteria for job candidates (submitting a search request) and after determining the relevant search plan, ” HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD performs the necessary actions to process the request thus submitted by the User/Employer. In case of incompletely or unclearly filled criteria for searching for job candidates or incompletely or unclearly provided information about the job offered, about the employer himself, etc., representatives of “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD contact by phone or by email with the User/Employer, in order to specify the missing information.
4.9. After processing the search request, “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD sends the Site User/Employer a confirmation of acceptance of the request, together with a proforma invoice for making the necessary payment. All payments in connection with the use of the services of “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD are made by bank transfer, and the Site User/Employer is obliged to provide all the necessary information for issuing the invoice/proforma invoice in accordance with the current legislation.
4.10. The prices announced on the Site for the individual work plans do NOT include VAT, and the payment term for issuing a proforma invoice or invoice is 3 (three) working days.
4.11. “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD does not bear any responsibility for any costs in connection with fees, commissions or other additional payments made by the Site User/Employer or his bank in connection with of the corresponding payment.
4.12. As a result of the candidate search request confirmed by “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD and the payment made by the relevant Site User/Employer – between “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD and the respective User of the Site/Employer creates an intermediary legal relationship. HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD provides its services under the resulting legal relationship within the scope, terms and conditions specified in the description of each of the work plans posted on the Site.
4.13. All terms specified by “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD for the provision of candidate selection services start from the day following the day of receipt of the advance payment for the respective request.
4.14. In order to provide quality and efficient services for finding a suitable job candidate, HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD has the right at its discretion to use any channels for recruiting candidates, including print and online media , online platforms for publishing job advertisements, various types of social networks, etc., and all costs for the use of the relevant platforms are entirely at the expense of HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD.
4.15. “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD performs all the necessary actions for the quality selection of job candidates, and upon receiving job applications, conducts the necessary conversations/interviews with the candidates, in order to clarify of their profile and its compliance with the search criteria set by the Site User/Employer.
4.16. Only after performing the actions under item 4.15 above, “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD sends to the Profile of the Site User/Employer information about suitable applications, with a view to performing subsequent actions on the part of the Site User/Employer – scheduling interviews, conducting tests, etc.
4.17. All correspondence between “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD and the respective User/Employer is carried out through the User’s profile and through the contact details provided by him (if necessary). For correspondence available in the User’s/Employer’s profile, the User/Employer receives a corresponding notification at the email address specified by him/her for correspondence.
4.18. In case the User/Employer wishes to stop receiving any information from the Site, resp. the existence of information about him in the profile created on the Site – the User/Employer has the right to delete his profile on the Site, for which he must follow the steps for deleting a profile described on the Site.
5.1. After making contact with an Employer for Job Seekers/ and contacting a job candidate for Employers, each of them receives a message on their email with an invitation to provide feedback and comments on the services of the Site, as well as feedback on the presentation of the respective Employer for Job Seekers/ and the respective candidate for Employers.
5.2. The provision of reviews and comments is carried out by clicking on a dedicated link that leads to the User’s profile and on which is placed a short survey regarding the User’s satisfaction with the service, as well as regarding the presentation of the relevant Employer – for Job Seekers/ or the relevant candidate – for Employers.
5.3. At the moment of completing the survey and sending it to “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD, the User grants “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD an unlimited and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, translate , distributes and displays this content.
5.4. In the event that the User wishes to leave a review (or comment), the same has the right to choose whether this review will be reflected as anonymous, or whether the User will be indicated by his first name and the first letter of his last name/resp. with his company initials (for Employers).
5.5. The information thus obtained from comments and feedback, HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD may, at its discretion, also provide in a summarized form – by determining a rating of the relevant Employer/resp. Looking for a job.
6.1. The General Terms do not apply to the relationship between the User and third parties with whom the User has contacted using the services of the Site.
6.2. The General Terms and Conditions can be changed unilaterally by HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD at any time by updating them. These changes take effect immediately and are binding on all Users/Users of the Site’s services.
7.1. All elements of the Site, including design, databases, text, drawings, graphics, sketches, photographs and other information or elements constitute the subject of copyright within the meaning of the Copyright and Related Rights Act and are the property of < strong>“HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD.
7.2. The right of access of the User/User to the Site does not include the right to copy or reproduce information, materials and resources, as well as to use objects of intellectual property, unless it concerns an insignificant amount of information intended for personal use , provided that the legitimate interests of “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD are not unjustifiably damaged and in the event that copying or reproduction is carried out for non-commercial purposes.
7.3. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, public display, etc. of part or all of the content of the Site, outside of the above hypothesis, is prohibited, and for any violation of intellectual property rights, HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD has the right to claim compensation for the direct and indirect damages suffered in full .
7.4. “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD undertakes to take due care to ensure the possibility for the User/User to have normal access to the services provided through Site services.
7.5. “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD reserves the right to suspend access to the provided services, upon detection of malicious actions or illegal attempts to copy or reproduce the content of the Site (in whole or in part).
8.1. HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD is a Personal Data Administrator company, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation/GDPR).
8.2. After familiarizing themselves with the content of the General Terms and their acceptance, as well as with the Policy (notice) for the protection of personal data placed on the Site, Users who have completed the registration form on the Site give their express consent to the Personal Data provided by them being processed by < "HUMAN CAPITAL STORE" EOOD electronically for the purposes of performing the services provided as a result of the Site.
8.3. HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD undertakes to keep confidential the data of its Users/Users in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation 2016/679 and not to provide them to third parties without the express written consent of the Users, except for the cases specified in item 8.6 below.
8.4. The data of the User/Consumer are processed solely for the purposes of the services provided through the Site.
8.5. HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD has the right to collect and use information about the User/User when the latter uses the services subject to the General Terms. The information by which the User can be identified may include name, e-mail address, telephone number, as well as any other information that the User voluntarily provides when using the services of the Site.
8.6. HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD reserves the right to use the IP addresses and other data of the Users/Users to reveal their identity in cases where this is necessary in compliance with the law, legal procedures and/or to ensure compliance with the General Terms.
8.7. The principles that “HUMAN CAPITAL STORE” EOOD observes with regard to the processing of the personal data provided by the Users; storage periods; the rights of individuals/Users/Users, etc. are detailed in the Privacy Policy posted on the Site.
9.1. The cookie is a small file containing text information. The site that the User visits transfers such type of files as the time during which they will be stored on the User’s hard drive depends on the type of “cookie”.
9.2. “Cookies” perform various functions and are primarily used to distinguish a User from other users of the Site, to collect information related to the preferences of each User, as well as to facilitate the User’s search in the Internet space.
9.3. The Site uses “cookies” to collect anonymous information about the User in order to optimize and adapt the content of the Site according to the User’s preferences.
9.4. The type of “cookies” also depends on the time they remain on the hard drive of the respective User. For example, session cookies remain until the browser is closed and are not saved on the hard drive of the User’s computer. Permanent cookies, on the other hand, are stored on the User’s hard drive until they are removed (deleted) by the User himself or until they expire.
9.5. There are also several types of “cookies” that remain on the User’s hard drive:
9.5.1. Own “cookies” or so-called “first-party cookies” – these are the “cookies” that the Site places on the User’s hard drive to record how much time he spends on it, how often he visits, what his preferences are according to the pages he visits and others ;
9.5.2. Session “cookies” – this type of “cookies” remain on the User’s hard drive and are stored there for the duration of his visit to the site.
9.5.3. Social network cookies – these cookies are placed by social networks (eg Facebook) and the operators of any site have no control over them. To check how and in what cases this type of “cookies” are used, the relevant User can look for the rules for using the specific social network.
9.6. The management of “cookies” and their refusalcan be done from the respective User’s browser settings. Most browsers allow Users to manage cookies themselves, including accepting or rejecting all cookies or accepting only some of them. To find information on how to manage cookies, the respective User must visit the “Help” or “Settings” section of the respective browser.
9.7. All User data collected through the use of “cookies” are anonymous and are used solely and exclusively for marketing purposes for analyzing user behavior, for optimizing and improving the content of the Site and determining the preferences and interests of Users.
10.1. The body regulating the activity of HUMAN CAPITAL STORE EOOD regarding the use of personal data is the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data (PCPD), with the following coordinates:
For Data Protection Commission:
11.1. All disputes arising from or relating to these General Terms, including disputes arising from or relating to their interpretation, invalidity, performance or termination, as well as disputes to fill gaps in them or adapt them to new circumstances , will be resolved by the competent Bulgarian court according to the current legislation.
11.2. For all cases not settled in these General Terms and Conditions, the current Bulgarian legislation shall apply.
These General Terms and Conditions were adopted on 06.11.2023.
Sofia, st. Pop Bogomil 1
Phones: +359 89 960 2101 +359877788944
E-mail: office@humancapitalstores.com
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Terms of use