Career counseling for individuals

Career counseling aims to orient the job seeker to the appropriate profession, after assessing his personal and professional qualities. The Human Capital Store “Career Counseling” service includes a series of tests, conversations, exercises, situations, the purpose of which is to make a detailed description, thanks to which we will be able to guide you precisely which professions would be successful and satisfying for you. During the consultation, you will find answers to important questions that will help you choose a professional field.

Our main goal is to “see” the big picture. Not only to analyze your strengths, but also to discover the hidden talents in you and together to understand what profession would make you feel satisfied and successful. Career counseling is far from being reserved for young people who are about to make one of the important decisions of their lives. If you have already realized yourself professionally, but you have the feeling that something is missing and you believe that the most suitable profession awaits you somewhere – do not hesitate to seek professional career counseling from the Human Capital Store team.

Кариерно консултиране за лица

Кариерното консултиране има за цел да ориентира търсещия работа към подходящата професия, след преценка на неговите лични и професионални качества. Услугатана Human Capital Store „Кариерно консултиране“ включва поредица от тестове, разговори, упражнения, ситуации, чиято цел е да се направи детайлна характеристика, благодарение на която ще можем съвсем точно да Ви насочим кои професии биха били успешни и удовлетворяващи Ви. По време на консултацията ще намерите отговори на важни въпроси, които да подпомогнат избора Ви на професионално поприще.

Нашата основна цел е да „видим“ цялостната картина. Не само да анализираме Вашите силни страни, но и да открием скритите таланти във Вас и заедно да разберем каква професия би Ви накарала да се чувствате удовлетворени и успешни. Кариерното консултиране далеч не е предназначено само за млади хора, на които им предстои да вземат едно от важните решения в живота си. Ако вече сте се реализирали професионално, но имате усещането, че нещо Ви липсва и вярвате, че някъде Ви очаква най-подходящата за Вас професия –не се колебайте да потърсите професионална кариерна консултация от екипа на Human Capital Store.



We deeply believe in what we call “human and business ethics”, according to which we not only comply with the official labor code of ethics, but also refuse to work with companies that do not respect and value their personnel.


For us, “customer service” is not just an expression. We value our time and the time of our clients, so we work with extreme precision, accuracy and sincerity in turning our clients’ wishes into reality.


We at the Human Capital Store team truly love our work. Whether we work with companies or individual professionals, we give our all in our work with them.


We select not only the job offers that we provide to our individual specialists, but also carefully select the personnel that we send to interviews for the companies. For us, quality is more important than quantity.



We deeply believe in what we call “human and business ethics”, according to which we not only comply with the official labor code of ethics, but also refuse to work with companies that do not respect and value their personnel.


For us, “customer service” is not just an expression. We value our time and the time of our clients, so we work with extreme precision, accuracy and sincerity in turning our clients’ wishes into reality.


We at the Human Capital Store team truly love our work. Whether we work with companies or individual professionals, we give our all in our work with them.


We select not only the job offers that we provide to our individual specialists, but also carefully select the personnel that we send to interviews for the companies. For us, quality is more important than quantity.

Consulting from Human Capital Store

We believe that it is never too late for a person to discover his true professional recognition and we offer our experience, knowledge, approaches through which we will help you find the field in which you have the greatest potential for development. If you think that another profession will develop your strengths better – you definitely need career counseling. You no longer need to waste effort, time and nerves in a work environment that is not suitable for you. We provide a working approach and support so that you can make the necessary decisions that will help you realize yourself to the fullest. Career development is a process that takes place throughout our lives. It includes the profession we have chosen, the various activities we perform during the work process, even our activities during our free time, which develop us as a person and provide us with a fulfilling and balanced life.

It is often the case that the decisions we make about “what to work on” are largely determined by our family environment, school, and various social factors. Thus, your desires, talents and ambitions remain in the background.

If you are hesitating about the right profession for you, if you want to change your field, are about to start a new job or are returning to work after motherhood, you probably need a consultation with a career development expert. The Career Counseling service we offer aims to support people of different age groups, at different stages in their professional development.

Why do you need career counseling?

Because very often making this important decision is accompanied by uncertainty, hesitation, lack of information or even a daily habit. We offer you our professional support in the difficult task of finding the right profession for you, because we believe that when a person is happy in his professional life, he is happy in every other aspect of his life. On the other hand, if the challenges in your profession come in more or you just want to see things from a different, objective point of view, our team of career experts will be there to meet you. We will help you to develop your full potential and discover your professional vocation. With the indispensable help of our career consultant, you will find out which are the most suitable professions in which you can develop, as well as what skills are needed for the position you want. Our values are transparency in the consultation process, a deep understanding of your aspirations and desires and absolute confidentiality.
! The GCDF certificate we hold that gives us the right to offer this service is numbered GCDF0477-BG from 25.01.2011

Защо имате нужда от кариерна консултация?

Защото много често взимането на това толкова важно решение е съпроводено с неувереност, колебания, липса на информацияили дори ежедневен навик. Предлагаме Ви нашата професионална подкрепа в нелекото начинание да откриете точната професия за Вас, защото вярваме, че когато човек е щастлив в професионалния си живот, тойе щастлив във всеки друг аспект на живота си.От друга страна, ако предизвикателствата в професията Ви идват в повече или просто искате да видите нещата от друга,обективна гледна точка, нашият екип от кариерни експерти ще бъде на среща. Ние ще Ви помогнем да разгърнете целия си потенциал и да откриете своето професионално призвание. С незаменимата помощ на нашия кариерен консултант ще разберете кои са най-подходящите професии, в които може да се развиете, както и какви умения са нужни за желаната от Вас позиция. Нашите ценности са прозрачност в процеса на консултиране, дълбоко разбиране на Вашите стремежи и желания и абсолютна конфиденциалност.
! Притежаваният GCDF сертификат, който ни дава правото да предлагаме тази услуга е с номер GCDF0477-BG от 25.01.2011г.