We deeply believe in what we call “human and business ethics”, according to which we not only comply with the official labor code of ethics, but also refuse to work with companies that do not respect and value their personnel.
As specialists in the field of employee management, we know that every employee needs at least once a year to be evaluated and recognized as a professional in the given field by his manager. It is when he feels significant and recognized based on his professional achievements that the employee gives his best in the work process, and this leads to an increase in his productivity and improves the overall professional achievements of the entire team.
It is for this purpose that we, the Human Capital Store team, build and implement employee evaluation and motivation systems in the organization. Evaluation systems are built on the basis of balanced scorecards for evaluating the personal and professional skills of each employee. We have knowledge and experience based on numerous projects to stimulate the achievement of personal and organizational goals, non-monetary bonuses and incentives, additional social benefits and various other tools that will lead to the achievement of significantly better results in both individual and in the team professional presentation. The implementation of motivation and evaluation systems also includes training employees in order to achieve optimal results at work.
Като специалисти в областта на управлението на служители, ние знаем, че всеки служител има нужда поне веднъж годишно да бъде оценен и признат като професионалист в дадената област от ръководителя си. Именно когато се почувства значим и признат на база на професионалните си постижения, служителят дава всичко от себе си в работния процес, а това води до повишаване на неговата продуктивност и подобрява общите професионални постижения на целия екип.
Именно с тази цел ние, екипът на Human Capital Store, изграждаме и внедряваме системи за оценка и мотивация на служителите в организацията. Системите за оценка са изградени на базата на балансирани карти за оценка на личните и професионални умения на всеки служител. Разполагаме със знания и опит, базирани на многобройни проекти за стимулиране на постигане на лични и организационни цели, непарични бонуси и стимули, допълнителни социални придобивки и различни други инструменти, които ще доведат до постигането на значително по-добри резултати както при индивидуалното, така и при екипното професионално представяне. Прилагането на системите за мотивация и оценка включва и обучение на служителите с цел достигане на оптимални резултати в работата.
We deeply believe in what we call “human and business ethics”, according to which we not only comply with the official labor code of ethics, but also refuse to work with companies that do not respect and value their personnel.
For us, “customer service” is not just an expression. We value our time and the time of our clients, so we work with extreme precision, accuracy and sincerity in turning our clients’ wishes into reality.
We at the Human Capital Store team truly love our work. Whether we work with companies or individual professionals, we give our all in our work with them.
We select not only the job offers that we provide to our individual specialists, but also carefully select the personnel that we send to interviews for the companies. For us, quality is more important than quantity.
We deeply believe in what we call “human and business ethics”, according to which we not only comply with the official labor code of ethics, but also refuse to work with companies that do not respect and value their personnel.
For us, “customer service” is not just an expression. We value our time and the time of our clients, so we work with extreme precision, accuracy and sincerity in turning our clients’ wishes into reality.
We at the Human Capital Store team truly love our work. Whether we work with companies or individual professionals, we give our all in our work with them.
We select not only the job offers that we provide to our individual specialists, but also carefully select the personnel that we send to interviews for the companies. For us, quality is more important than quantity.
The objectives of the proposed training and development activities for employees are: Acquisition of new and development of existing skills and knowledge and development of the potential of each employee in accordance with the requirements of the specific duties. This guarantees the achievement of employee adaptability, as well as a significant increase in individual and collective competitive advantages.
In addition to the obvious primary benefits for employees, which include improving job performance and teamwork, evaluation and motivation systems achieve other secondary results – for example, increasing job satisfaction and personal motivation, enabling delegation of more complex employee tasks, development of innovative thinking and creativity, development of leadership abilities and qualities, and others.
The planning and implementation of methods for evaluating and stimulating employees is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the organization’s final activity.
Appraisal systems are aimed at improving the skills of people in the company and preparing employees for additional responsibility and promotion in the hierarchy. In order to increase the efficiency of employees, the organization must reward examples of professional behavior. This is the essence of personnel evaluation and incentive systems.
Evaluation and motivation systems use two types of incentives – tangible and intangible. Material incentives include – material encouragement through bonuses and premiums, professional promotion and retraining, social benefits or other material rewards in the form of vouchers, vacations and others.
Intangible incentives include praise, awards for professional performance, inclusion in training programs, and more.
The implementation of evaluation and motivation systems, evaluation must be skillfully balanced between recruitment, selection and appointment of new personnel and training and development of old ones.
All this has advantages because it makes people feel secure in their position and so they can give more of themselves to the development and progression of the company.
Staff evaluation aims to optimize work efficiency, through better organization of employees, by identifying their talents, development potential, abilities and professional skills.
The assessment process also helps the employees themselves to better understand their role and place in the company in order to more fully meet the needs of the organization by continuously improving their qualifications and skills.
In addition to all this, employee evaluation and motivation systems will help increase motivation for team work. By implementing them, the people who make your business exist will give their best in the work process. And this is the main criterion to unfold the development potential of any organizational structure.
реализирането на системите за оценка и мотивация, оценяването трябва да е умело балансирано между набиране, селекцията и назначаването на нови кадри и обучението и развитието на старите.
Всичко това има предимства, защото кара хората да се чувстват сигурни в своето положение и така те могат да дадат повече от себе си за развитието и прогресирането на фирмата.
Оценяването на персонала има за цел да оптимизира ефективността на работата, чрез по-добра организация на служителите, чрез идентифицирането на талантите, потенциала за развитие, способностите и професионалните им умения .
Процесът за оценка помага и на самите служители да осъзнаят по-добре своята роля и място в компанията, за да отговорят по-пълно на нуждите на организацията, като непрекъснато подобряват своята квалификация и умения.
Освен всичко това, системите за оценка и мотивация на служителите ще спомогнат за повишаване на мотивацията за екипна дейност. Чрез тяхното внедряване, хората, благодарение, на които съществува Вашият бизнес, ще дават всичко от се себе си в работния процес. А това е основният критерий, за да се разгърне потенциалът за развитие на всяка организационна структура.