Assessment Tests

Based on our many years of practice in the field of employee selection, we, the team at Human Capital Store, have convinced ourselves that it is difficult to find quality and well-prepared staff, regardless of industry.

Often turnover is inevitable and the employer finds himself in a vicious circle – there is a vacancy, but he cannot find an adequate specialist to fill it. Hiring employees by trial and error is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of money.

On the other hand, it is no less important that employees are tested periodically about their competences, capabilities and qualities, so that you can fully use their potential.

Тестове за оценка

На база на дългогодишната ни практика в областта на подбора на служители, ние, екипът на Human Capital Store, сме се убедили, че е трудно да се намерят качествени и добре подготвени кадри, независимо от индустрията.

Често текучеството е неизбежно и работодателят се оказва в омагьосан кръг – има вакантно място, но не може да намери адекватен специалист, който да го заеме. Назначаването на служители по метода проба-грешка е не само загуба на време, но и на пари.

От друга страна, е не по-малко важно служителите да се тестват периодично относно техните компетенции, възможности и качества, така че да може да използвате напълно техния потенциал.

Psychological tests to evaluate employees

We offer psychological tests for specific positions in the following categories:

Administrative support
Service in call centers and technical support
Customer Service
Capacity and Performance Management
Management competencies
Sales management
Work at risk, etc.

Employee Testing and Evaluation

We also provide tests to measure:

Basic Abilities
Computer knowledge
Work ethic and personality profile
Behavior in the workplace
Work ethics and integrity
Sales skills

The information is extracted in the form of an interview with in-depth questions to help companies, managers and HR professionals select, hire and retain the most qualified employees.

The tests are standardized for Bulgaria, which gives relevant scores.



We deeply believe in what we call “human and business ethics”, according to which we not only comply with the official labor code of ethics, but also refuse to work with companies that do not respect and value their personnel.


For us, “customer service” is not just an expression. We value our time and the time of our clients, so we work with extreme precision, accuracy and sincerity in turning our clients’ wishes into reality.


We at the Human Capital Store team truly love our work. Whether we work with companies or individual professionals, we give our all in our work with them.


We select not only the job offers that we provide to our individual specialists, but also carefully select the personnel that we send to interviews for the companies. For us, quality is more important than quantity.



We deeply believe in what we call “human and business ethics”, according to which we not only comply with the official labor code of ethics, but also refuse to work with companies that do not respect and value their personnel.


For us, “customer service” is not just an expression. We value our time and the time of our clients, so we work with extreme precision, accuracy and sincerity in turning our clients’ wishes into reality.


We at the Human Capital Store team truly love our work. Whether we work with companies or individual professionals, we give our all in our work with them.


We select not only the job offers that we provide to our individual specialists, but also carefully select the personnel that we send to interviews for the companies. For us, quality is more important than quantity.

Human Capital Store holds certifications in the following areas:

Personal testing

Personality testing helps to find matches between job requirements and job candidate profile at different levels.
It gives information about the personality: the candidate’s strengths and areas in which he needs development.
Assesses potential (intelligence and data analysis skills, presence of strategic thinking, ability to make leadership decisions, ability to cope in stressful situations)
Assesses training needs
Supports the selection of employees for managerial or developmental positions
Assists in the creation of staff development programs
Through it, preparation is made for personnel training programs
Staff behavior is monitored.

Human Capital Store притежава сертификати в следните области:

Личностно тестване

Личностното тестване съдейства за откриването на съвпадения между изискванията на длъжността и профила на кандидата за работа на различни нива.
Дава информация за личността: силните страни на кандидата и областите, в които има нужда от развитие.
Оценява потенциала (интелект и умения за анализ на данни, наличие на стратегическо мислене, възможност за вземане на лидерски решения, способност за справяне в стресова обстановка)
Оценява нуждите от обучения
Подкрепя подбора на служители за мениджърски позиции или позиции с възможност за развитие
Подпомага създаването на програми за развитие на персонала
Чрез него се прави подготовка за програми за обучения на персонала
Извършва се наблюдение на поведението на персонала.

More from Human Capital Store…

Test to evaluate the effectiveness of leadership decisions

Selection of candidates for senior positions (assessment of correct judgment of situations, approach to dealing with problems, leadership style according to specific circumstances, ability to motivate)
Assessing the capacity and development needs of already employed managers
Assessing the capacity of employees at different levels
Training and mentoring programs.

Motivation and Values Assessment Test

Selection of candidates for various positions
Assessment of the desire to achieve goals and perform a certain activity
Factors that influence the motivation of the researched person
Career development management
Preference for team building
Desire to achieve results
Striving for a leadership position.

Risk Assessment Test

This test provides an assessment of psychological fitness

To carry out security and law enforcement activities
For service in the Army, Navy and Air Force
For work in power plants
For work in public transport, passenger transport, air traffic control
Covering psychological research requirements when accessing classified information.

The Human Capital Store team stands behind the cause that the success of any organization depends on hiring the right employees possessing that set of qualities that the organization needs as a priority. We truly believe that this is achieved by using the right approaches to testing and evaluating employees.

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In addition to sincerely loving our work and highly valuing the “Solutions” we provide, Human Capital Store also offers “Socially Responsible Activities”. They aim to change our society for the better by improving the working atmosphere and the condition of individual specialists.
