Our client is an international company which operates in raw materials distribution, that are used in cosmetics, nutrition supplements or in the pharmaceutical industry. As a Country Sales Manager, your job will be to keep long-lasting business relations with suppliers and clients. Assisting the clients to purchase materials that meets their needs and Insure timely processing of all their purchases. You also will need to put efforts towards increasing the company’s revenue by generating new clients and increase the sales in existing ones. That includes:
• Long-term and project-related customer contacts
• International procurement of raw materials
• Researching and promoting new products and negotiating distribution rights with producers (Focus on Cosmetics, Nutrition and Pharmaceutical industry)
• Managing another person in Bulgaria and financial statements, communication with banks, company’s tax advisor, addressing legal requirements, etc.
If you are passionate about sales /preferably in one of the above-mentioned sectors/, result-driven and with desire to build your professional network, you are great match. To be considered as our perfect candidate, you will also need to be fluent in English.
Being part of the company’s team, you will be introduced to your new function over a period of several months and then you can take over the operation of the branch independently.
Our job offer is aimed at people who have extensive experience in sales and feel up to this general task. Knowledge of the Bulgarian market and contacts to local companies from the target clients will help you to achieve high performance
If you consider yourself suitable for this challenging position please apply with your CV in English. All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Human Capital Store has License 1783/ 30.09.2014
Bulgarian Law forbids Recruitment Agencies to charge the Candidates so our services to you are free of charge.
Tag Archive for: manager
За София Human Capital Store търси Мениджър Продажби. Клиентът ни е с основен предмет на дейност кредитни консултации и посредничество и има изградени дългосрочни взаимоотношения с водещите банкови институции и лизингови компании в България. Компанията е част от холдингова структура заедно със застрахователен брокер и бизнесите се развиват в тясно сътрудничество и по утвърдени стандарти на работа.
За да бъдете част от екипа на нашият клиент е нужен опит и/или познания с кредитни институции, както и да можете да вдъхновите други хора, които да се присъединят в екипа ви, защото нашият клиент има план за разрастване в цялата страна.
Отговорностите на тази позиция са:
- Компетентно съдействие на клиенти за получаване на:
Потребителски кредити за частни лица
Ипотечни кредити за частни лица
Кредити за юридически лица
Рефинансиране на текущи задължения
ПОД пенсионно осигуряване
- Преговаряне с финансови компании, за да се постигне изгоден и най-подходящ финансов продукт за клиента;
- Оказване на помощ на клиента от получаване на запитване, до получаване на средствата
- Консултиране на клиентите относно условията в кредитните предложения, които са с малък шрифт
- Подготовка на целия набор от документи, изискуеми от финансовите институции
- Изготвяне на предложение за оптимизиране на месечните погасителни вноски или варианти за рефинансиране на настоящите кредити при по-изгодни условия.
- Дружеството работи в много тясно сътрудничество със застрахователен брокер и Мениджър Продажби ще има достъп до голяма база данни от потенциални клиенти
- Трудов договор с петдневна работна седмица и 20 дни платен годишен отпуск
- Въвеждане в спецификите на работа и последващо съдействие и подкрепа от мениджърите на компанията
- Ако имате за цел да получавате петцифрена заплата, можете да я постигнете с отлично работеща схема на заплащане, но ако до сега нямате опит с такъв тип заплащане, клиентът ни е склонен да предложи първите до 3 месеца да получавате нетното възнаграждение, което сте получавал/а на последната ви работа, за да се убедите в модела на работа, който се предлага от компанията.
Може да кандидатствате, като ни изпратите автобиографията си.
Human Capital Store притежава лиценз за предоставяне на посреднически услуги номер: 1783/ 30.09.2014.
Услугите към кандидатите са безплатни.
Уведомяваме Ви, че данните, които ни предоставяте, се обработват и съхраняват в съответствие с изискванията на ЗЗЛД и подлежат на специален режим на защита.
The Perfumes Account Manager we are looking for is sales oriented and can complete the company’s team with objectives to maximize sales volume for the clients he/she is responsible for. Our client works for international markets and is dealing only with Wholesale clients. The company is offering wide variety of deluxe brands, but they do not want to provide only trendy products at great prices, but also personal solution to the clients including freight, drop-shipping, customs services and insurance.
Account Manager duties and responsibilities will be to:
- Maintain company working quality standards through attention to detail, completion of all required steps in a timely and efficient manner;
- Solicit from clients new sales requests on a regular and frequent basis;
- Know very well client’s specifics he/she is responsible for so can offer tailored service to their needs;
- Communicate with his/her client’s portfolio via phone or email constantly during and after closing the deal;
- Identify unsettled items or questions that could cause problems in closing the deal;
- Discusses terms and conditions with the client and ensure that everything is correct;
- Meet all confidentiality requirements related to the work /company, customer and others/;
- Perform review of the clients so can analyse what needs to be improve.
Needed qualifications:
- Working knowledge and experience in same or similar position is NOT obligatory;
- English language / minimum B2 level/;
- Very good communication skills via phone or email in a strait to the point way;
- To prioritizes work tasks throughout the day so can meet client’s expectations;
- Ability to work well in a fast-changing project conditions;
- Accurate complete tasks and projects he/she is responsible for;
- Resolves problems and questions with all involved parties;
- Have experience working with Excel;
- Meets company’s working standards;
- Show ability that can establish strong rapport with the company, customers and sales projects.
- Very good work facility and location;
- Professional onboard training;
- One day in a week home office possibility;
- Monday – Friday working week /Bulgarian national holidays are non-working/;
- You can start your working day between 09:00AM and 09:30AM;
- Benefits: Sports card, fruits and beverages, onsite weekly massages.
Should this vacancy interest you, please send your CV in English.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.Our services are free of charge for all candidates.
All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality. Recruitment license from National Agency of Employment N: 1783/ 30.09.2014
Грешка: Формата за контакт не е намерена.
The Cosmetics Account Manager we are looking for is sales oriented and can complete the company’s team with objectives to maximize sales volume for the clients he/she is responsible for. Our client works for international markets and is dealing only with Wholesale clients. The company is offering wide variety of deluxe brands, but they do not want to provide only trendy products at great prices, but also personal solution to the clients including freight, drop-shipping, customs services and insurance.
Account Manager duties and responsibilities will be to:
- Maintain company working quality standards through attention to detail, completion of all required steps in a timely and efficient manner;
- Solicit from clients new sales requests on a regular and frequent basis;
- Know very well client’s specifics he/she is responsible for so can offer tailored service to their needs;
- Communicate with his/her client’s portfolio via phone or email constantly during and after closing the deal;
- Identify unsettled items or questions that could cause problems in closing the deal;
- Discusses terms and conditions with the client and ensure that everything is correct;
- Meet all confidentiality requirements related to the work /company, customer and others/;
- Perform review of the clients so can analyse what needs to be improve.
Needed qualifications:
- Working knowledge and experience in same or similar position is NOT obligatory;
- English language / minimum B2 level/;
- Very good communication skills via phone or email in a strait to the point way;
- To prioritizes work tasks throughout the day so can meet client’s expectations;
- Ability to work well in a fast-changing project conditions;
- Accurate complete tasks and projects he/she is responsible for;
- Resolves problems and questions with all involved parties;
- Have experience working with Excel;
- Meets company’s working standards;
- Show ability that can establish strong rapport with the company, customers and sales projects.
- Very good work facility and location;
- Professional onboard training;
- One day in a week home office possibility;
- Monday – Friday working week /Bulgarian national holidays are non-working/;
- You can start your working day between 09:00AM and 09:30AM;
- Benefits: Sports card, fruits and beverages, onsite weekly massages.
Should this vacancy interest you, please send your CV in English.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Our services are free of charge for all candidates.
All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality. Recruitment license from National Agency of Employment N: 1783/ 30.09.2014
Грешка: Формата за контакт не е намерена.
Ние от Human Capital Store търсим Мениджър продажби. Нашият клиент е компания, която сътрудничи на клиентите си при продажба, покупка, наемане или отдаване под наем на недвижима собственост. Агенцията работи в централни, южни и източни райони – среден и висок клас апартаменти.
Какви ще бъдат отговорностите:
- Създаване на стратегия за постигане на високи продажбени резултати от екипа, за който отговаря;
- Ще отговаря за екип /от 2 до 4/ брокера;
- Анализ на пазари за районите, в които компанията има присъствие;
- Комуникация с инвеститори, партньори и клиенти на фирмата;
- Ще участва в специални събития (конференции, изложения, семинари и др.).
Идеалният кандидат трябва:
- Да бъде доказан в убеждаването;
- Да може да мотивира екипа си;
- Да умее да подрежда по приоритет ежедневните си и седмични задачи;
- Да има добри компютърни умения;
- Да говори свободно английски език;
- Опит в сферата на недвижимата собственост не се изисква.
Какво ще получите:
- Възможност да станете част от международен екип със солидни умения и опит;
- Да участвате в управлението на основния екип;
- Пакет за възнаграждение според резултатите на Вашия екип.
В случай, че обявата е в областта на Вашия интерес – не се колебайте да ни изпратите актуално CV.
Нашите услуги към кандидатите са безплатни.
Всички кандидатури ще бъдат разгледани при пълна конфиденциалност, съгласно ЗЗЛД.
Human Capital Store притежава лиценз за предоставяне на посреднически услуги номер: 1783/ 30.09.2014
Целите, за които ще използваме Вашите данни са:
-да Ви бъдем полезни при намирането на нова и/или по-добра работа, стаж или друга форма на заетост;
-да Ви изпращаме съобщения по имейл, телефон, социални мрежи, регулярна поща.
Грешка: Формата за контакт не е намерена.
Our client’s main business activity is providing audit and advisory services to international clients in various industries. Human Capital Store is looking for responsible and teamwork-oriented professional for the position of AUDIT MANAGER.
Main responsibilities include:
- Responsible for all audit project stages
- Delivering projects on-time and on-budget
- Develop and maintain effective communication within the entire team and clients
- Initiate and arrange on the job training and mentoring small team of consultants
- Experienced auditor with excellent team management skills
- Certificate in accounting and auditing (ACCA, CPA or other related certificates)
- Team player with strong communication skills
- Effective organization and decision-making skills
- Ability to hire, motivate, retain and develop talent
- Available for business trips in the country
- Fluent in English
Our client offers:
- Friendly and supportive team members
- Full financial and training support in professional qualification
- Excellent remuneration
In case our offer interests you – please send us your current CV.
All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality.
Recruitment license from National Agency of Employment N: 1783/ 30.09.2014
Грешка: Формата за контакт не е намерена.